New AS7 version provides both 12VDC to a relay, PLUS internal contact closure on 2 wires from internal micro relay.

The AS7R works and installs the same as AS7. The "R" version includes an internal micro-relay which adds contact-closure, or "shorting" of 2 Orange output wires. The 2 orange wires are designed for shorting of some external switch functions, voltage up to 24 volts but limited to pass 50mA or less.
The 2 orange wires are continuously connected or shorted for the duration of the ON state of the AS-7R, which shines the green LED. Orange wires are used for garage-door-remote transmitters on the AS7G but cannot be used for that here because this is a continuous ON.
Some uses for the Orange wires are:
- Contact closure, non voltage or amperage related
- Closure to chassis ground
- Passing 24 VDC max and 50 mA max for example LED or small bulb indicator in addition to LED use
- Control an external small relay
All the above are only suggestions and possible custom user designed applications are the responsibility of the buyer/installer/user. We welcome your input and ideas for posting here and helping others.
Please refer to the Autoswitch AS7 and AS7G pages for additional information.